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Drilling and tapping vs. wire thread insert performance: which is best?

Posted by Advanex  |  

When it comes to ensuring the strength and durability of mechanical joints and components, engineers often face a choice between traditional drilling and tapping methods or the use of wire thread inserts. Each method has its own advantages and limitations, and selecting the appropriate technique can significantly impact component performance and lifespan. 

In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of drilling/tapping and wire thread inserts and assess which is best for high-performance applications such as aerospace and automotive industries.

Drilling and tapping - where convenience meets simplicity  

Drilling and tapping holes is a traditional method for integrating mechanical joints in a simplistic, efficient and inexpensive way. It describes the process of drilling a cylindrical hole in a component before a tap is used to thread the interior surface, allowing a bolt or screw to be inserted and securely fastened. Innovations such as friction and thermal drilling have made drilling and tapping an extremely convenient and speedy process for a variety of industries. 


  • Simplicity and familiarity: Drilling and tapping are straightforward processes that have been used for decades. Most engineers and technicians are familiar with these methods, making them easy to implement without extensive training.
  • Cost-effective for initial setup: The initial costs associated with drilling and tapping are generally lower, as they do not require specialised inserts or installation tools.
  • Adequate for low-stress applications: In environments where components face minimal stress and vibration, drilling and tapping can provide sufficient joint integrity.


  • Wear and tear: Tapped threads are susceptible to wear and tear, especially in softer materials like aluminium or magnesium. This wear can lead to thread deformation and eventual joint failure.
  • Stress concentration: Traditional threads create points of concentrated stress, which can lead to fatigue and failure under repetitive loading conditions.
  • Maintenance challenges: Damaged threads can be difficult to repair, often requiring complete part replacement or complex restoration processes.

Wire thread inserts - superior performance, durability and flexibility 

Wire thread inserts are precision engineered coils that are designed to eliminate the common challenges of drilled and tapped joints. These inserts are placed within tapped holes as an additional joining element, evenly distributing load and stress across the bolt or screw once it is installed. This enhances the strength and lifespan of joints whilst also enabling the use of lighter materials that would otherwise face significant wear. 


  • Enhanced strength and durability: Wire thread inserts distribute stress more evenly across the threads. This reduces the risk of stress concentration and increases the overall strength and fatigue resistance of the joint​​​​.
  • Corrosion and wear resistance: Inserts made from high-quality materials such as phosphor bronze or Inconel provide excellent resistance to corrosion and high-temperature environments, extending the lifespan of the joint​​​​.
  • Flexibility with lightweight materials: Wire thread inserts enable the use of lightweight and softer materials in critical applications without compromising joint integrity. This is particularly beneficial in aerospace and automotive industries, where weight reduction is crucial​​​​.
  • Ease of maintenance and repair: Damaged threads can be easily repaired by replacing the insert, which is a cost-effective and time-saving solution compared to replacing entire components​​​​.

KATO® Advanex's wire thread inserts provide industry-leading quality 

While traditional drilling and tapping methods may suffice for low-stress applications, wire thread inserts offer superior performance in demanding environments. Their ability to enhance the strength, durability and reliability of joints makes them indispensable for critical applications in aerospace and automotive industries. These industries face unique challenges, such as extreme temperatures, high vibrations and the need for lightweight materials, all of which wire thread inserts can effectively address.

At KATO® Advanex, we provide an extensive range of Tanged and Tangless coil thread inserts in multiple compositions, finishes and sizes. Each of our inserts and tools are in full conformance with military, aerospace and commercial standards and specifications. All you need to do is find the right one for you, which our team of specialists can help you with.

To find out more about our products or to get additional pricing information, contact a member of our team today.

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